Connectr Awards 2023: Celebrating our employer partners

Without our employer partners, we wouldn’t be able to have the impact that we do.
Our school engagement partners open up more jobs to students, exposing them to jobs that they never would have considered as being accessible to them – or jobs and sectors they’ve never heard of. By opening a young person’s horizon to new career pathways early and helping them to develop the skills needed to get there, we can shift the dial on social mobility.
Our talent acquisition partners are forward looking and push the boundaries of conventional recruitment processes. Being open minded about what the ‘perfect’ candidate looks like and putting you both at heart of the experience, enables our partners to find untapped talent they would otherwise have overlooked.
Our candidate tech partners have the vision to make sure that even though they operate their hiring cycles at scale, they maintain a human element and champion diversity. Leveraging the power of technology for good levels the playing field through application and pre-boarding process, no matter how many candidates are processed.
Thank you to all of our employers who continue to work with us and share our mission!!
We’ve selected six of our fantastic partners to receive the inaugural Connectr Awards, for their outstanding contributions and vision:
- Aon Delivering Impact at Scale
- AWE Most Impact in Pre-Boarding
- GSK Most Impactful Investment in Recruiting Diverse Talent
- National Grid Supporting Talent into Green-Collar Jobs
- Pacific Life Re Strategic Alignment
- Pax8 Innovation in Early Careers
We look forward to another year of partnering together to drive more impact and making all careers fairer and more accessible for all.